Fundamental Analysis tells you Which Stock to Buy, whereas Technical Analysis tells you When to Buy. In other words, having decided to buy or sell, Technical analysis is highly helpful in deciding when to execute your transactions.
We are likely to come up with a series of Technical Analysis Articles. But Markets wont wait for us. Hence we are giving todays technical view on the NSE.
Having decisively broken the 50 Days Exponential Moving Average (EMA) : 2851 and 100 Days EMA : 2999, market is poised to rally till 3402 on the Nifty Cash market. Against our todays closing of 3020, a rally till 3402 translates into 12.5% upside. Hang on to gain.
(Note: Technical Analysis is only supportive of the fundamentals. If todays fundamentals hold good the rally is likely. Otherwise it could go for a toss. So Handle with Care)
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