Saturday, August 7, 2010

History of Adani Group

Once we were discussing about Adani Power in our office. Many of our staff's were reluctant to believe in the company since the stock price didnot do well. But each on of them were very positive when the topic of discussion jumped to Mundra Port. And when they realized that the promoters of Adani Power and Mundra port are one and the same, many of them were thrilled.

Recently an article was published in Economic Times on the promoter Mr.Gautam Adani. The article is given below. Plz to read it to know your promoter.

Highlights of the article are:
(1) Mr.Gautam Adani was primarily a diamond merchant in 1980's. He transformed himself by founding Mundra Port in Gujarat and Adani Power.
(2) Mr.Adani did what the Chola kings and British East India company did. He built ports since the existing ports were too crowded.
(3) The biggest port in Gujarat was in 500 acres, when Adani built 5000 acres big port.
(4) And There are lots of similarities between Mr.Ambani and Mr.Adani. You can find them in the article given below.

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