Tuesday, November 5, 2013


  • ·         Strandard and Poor (S&P) Rating agency of USA holds 67.84% stake.
  • ·         Rating contributes 40% revenue, Research contributes 54% and advisory contributes 6%.
  • ·         In June 2012, acquired UK based Coalition Development which is in to analytics.
  • ·         Also acquired Pipal Research to diversify client based into corporate client in global research and analytics.
  • ·         50000 clients in CY 2012
  • ·         9378 clients addition in CY 2011
  • ·         11,465 clients added in CY 2012.
  • ·         Over 10000 SME’s and 3700 Bonds were rated in CY 2012.
  • ·         37% revenue from India, 32% from US and 24% from UK.

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