Tuesday, December 22, 2009

SAFE Investing Strategies for Equities

Almost all investors, while making the investments would have had a profit percentage in mind (returns expectations). Against a Bank FD of about 7%, some investors would have been happy if they got 15% returns and some others could have expected 20%. Investors park their money in various avenues like Mutual funds only for this higher returns.

True to their expectations, MFs also gain substantially. But the problem is that investor fail to book his profits : may be due to per-occupation or due to Revised Returns Expectations. Atlast when market crashes, the investor spends sleepless nights wondering where he went wrong.

For instance,
(1) An investor made Rs.1,00,000 (One Lakh) investment on 23-Nov-05.
(2) It got appreciated to Rs.2,47,059 on 9-Jan-2008, a 147% rise in value.
(3) He was a HAPPY MAN.
(4) Susequently market crashed and his porfolio fell to as low as Rs.96,000.
(5) No doubt, now he is a very SAD MAN.
(6) For no fault of his, the portfolio lost Rs.1,51,000 or 61% of its value.
(7) He would have thought that is the end of it.
(8) Whatever came in - went off.

Now-a-days there are advance investment options by which you could avoid such 'accidents'.
Mutual funds now offer a facility called TRIGGER options.

How does Trigger Function ?
(1) At the time of investing you can indicate what is the percentage at which you wish to book your profits.
(2) The moment the investment value appreciates, profit is booked automatially either in part or in full.
(3) The booked profit is safely parked in a liquid fund, which can be withdrawn anytime the investor wants.

Not all Mutual funds offer this Trigger facility. Only five of the 36 Mutual fund houses offer this facility. Plz find complied the details of each of the available trigger options.

Choosing the right trigger strategy :
At what percentage rise you should book profits and at what percentage fall you should re-enter equities, is An Art.

We have done an indepth study on which combination is likely to be the success formula.
Do stay in touch with us to choose the best option and maximize your returns.
Almost all investor needs to consider this option for safely investing in equities.


  1. The TRIGGER options in few of the MFs are a music to ears for those like me who wants moderate return from MF. However if you can trigger us at the right time [according to you] then I think you will probably have more MF investors. Any way thanks for the valuable info which I believe will be useful to most new investors like me. Bala

  2. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

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