Friday, July 19, 2013

Godrej Consumer Products

- Over last 10 years, turnover increased 10 times and profit grew 13.5 times.
- 44% revenue from International market in FY 2013.
- Inorganic growth (acquisition) - Key to growth:
- Oct 2005 - Keyline Brands
- Sept 2006 - Rapidol
- Apr 2008 - Kinky, South Africa
- May 2010 - Issue Group, Argentina
- May 2010 - Megasari makmur Group, Indonesia
- June 2010 - Argencos, Argentina
- June 2010 - Tura, Nigeria
- June 2011 - Darling group, Africa
- Jan 2012 - Csometica Nacional, Chile
- Inspite of all these acquisitions, debt equity ratio is below 1.
- Charman Adi Godrej is quoted saying "To Grow 10 times in Next 10 years"

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