Monday, October 26, 2015

Unique Stock : GRUH Finance

  • Subsidary of HDFC Ltd,
  • One of the biggest lender to unorganized sector.
  • Provides home loan to self employed segment, where no formal income proof is available.
  • Loans sanctioned based on field investigation and surrogate income proof.
  • Also provides credit to professionals for purchase of office space.
  • Recognized and refinanced by National Housing Bank to tune of Rs.2777.2 Crores
  • GRUH operates in 8 states : Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, MP, Chattisgarh, Tamilnadu and UP
  • Has 12 offices + 154 retail offices with staff strength of just 579.
  • Total Loans disbursed : Rs.15215 Cr. R.3121 Cr disbursed in FY 2015 alone.
  • Loan book growing at 28% over last 3 years.
  • Net interest margin is 4.18% Vs 4% of its parent HDFC Ltd
  • NPA to loan asset ratio @ 0.28% Vs 0.67% for HDFC Ltd
  • Return on Net worth is 30.90% Vs 16.8%

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